Wednesday, June 29, 2011

12 Ways To Get Rid of Cellulite Naturally

End Your Struggle With Cellulite!

Getting rid of cellulite naturally is all about two important things: Diet and Exercise.Cellulite is basically a combination of excess fat and body toxins lying beneath the surface of the skin.
Think about this: If your system is congested, your body will try to dump its metabolic wastes in areas of excess fat in order to get them out of the way, thus promoting the creation of cellulite.

Engaging in a cellulite or fat cleansing process through diet and exercise may be the best way to get you started on attacking that cellulite and eating healthier.
This means not sabotaging your efforts by eating foods high in saturated fats orunhealthy fats such as those found in some meats and dairy products. Unhealthy fats also include trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, or hydrogenated oils that we commonly use in cooking or baking.

The worst are the fats found in most junk or snack foods and all kinds of fried foods, all of which love to accumulate into excess body fat. Because these food choices are so low in enzymes, which promote digestion, much of the food just sticks to our cells as excess fat. Include more bad habits to the mix like not drinking enough water, smoking, and lack of exercise, and you may find yourself in trouble. You can end up with reduced liver function, poor digestion, hormonal imbalances, constipation, plenty of allergies, and, believe it or not, stress.

But it’s never too late to change. By changing bad eating habits and by exercising, you can improve your overall health and also begin the process of ridding your body of that ugly cellulite.
All you have to do is change your lifestyle in simple and positive ways:

#1 thing is SQUATS! But if you can't do squats here are some other ways :)

Here are 12 simple tips on how to do it:
  • Drink plenty of water. Upon awakening, drink one or two glasses of pure water with lemon. This means drinking about 16 ounces of water at room temperature or, if you prefer, you can drink warm water. In total, try drinking eight glasses of bottled water each day, and include herbal teas like dandelion, red clover, burdock, or ginger

  • Add freshly squeezed lemon juice. Lemon juice helps you eliminate more toxins on a daily basis and is better to boot!

  • Take a good quality green powder drink. Consume green drinks once or twice a day for energy and nutrient content. For example, mix wheat grass or barley grass powder in 8 ounces of water.

  • Take enzymes. Don’t forget that enzymes aid in digestion. They’re extremely beneficial in your battle to get rid of fat and cellulite. Select juices and foods packed with enzymes to help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain them.

  • Boost your fiber intake. Take two to three tablespoons of ground flaxseed or chia seeds daily.

  • Drink juices every day. Try the green ones like kale, cucumber, and add apple, and ginger! —your magic bullets. I now fast once a week with vegetable juices and drink mostly vegetable juices almost every morning for breakfast. It can be a very healthy way to keep your body free of cellulite and just plain healthy.

  • Eat lots of vegetables. Try adding a daily serving of fresh salads composed of healthy vegetables with healthy dressing.

  • Choose healthy oils. Commercially heated fats like soy, corn, and canola may do more harm to your skin than good because they are so highly processed. Reach instead for olive and nut oils for cooking and to sprinkle on foods.

  • Perform a liver cleanse. The liver is a primary organ responsible for cleansing wastes from the body. It is also a vital organ that is considered a fat destroyer in the body. The liver makes sure that your body fluids are helping your body achieve optimal performance. Don’t clog the liver or your pipes with fat. Keep them working smoothly and cleanly by doing a regular liver cleanse.

  • Keep your system regular. Make sure you have one to two bowel movements every day. You know how much I love to talk about the colon! Don’t allow yourself to become constipated. Even people who are complete raw vegans still have difficulty with their bowels due to the amount of toxins that they get through the air, the environment, and the stress of daily life.

  • Get on a daily exercise routine. Just start bouncing. Get your hands on a mini-trampoline and do some bouncing to reduce your body-fat percentage. Amazingly, the trampoline was rated by NASA as the #1 most effective exercise that also promotes lymphatic drainage in your body.

  • Moistures and massage ares that are holding extra fat. This will stimulate the area and help break up fat deposits. Lotion help aid in a smoothing type motion with your hands while massaging. Think about your hands like a rolling pin as you do this, rolling away the cellulite riding it from your body.


  • Liposuction: Many people naturally think of liposuction as a solution for cellulite problems. While liposuction isn’t guaranteed to eliminate cellulite as this medical procedure primarily removes fat that is deep under the skin, there have been cases where people who got liposuction did experience some visible reduction in their cellulite.
  • Laser Treatment: Laser treatments are more of a new method of getting rid of cellulite. Generally, these light therapies help to melt the fat deposits under the skin in a gentle manner though there are some laser treatments that are mildly invasive. It will typically take a few sessions for you to start seeing improvements in your the appearance of your cellulite. Results are fairly permanent if you also follow a balanced diet and exercise regularly.
  • Electric Stimulation: There are a few different types of electric stimulation but one of the most common for cellulite treatment is the microcurrent body treatment. This treatment sends a very low voltage electrical pulse into the body which triggers a natural healing response. This healing response helps reduce cellulite greatly. In most cases you can see results in just 6 to 8 sessions.
  • Mesotherapy: This non surgical cosmetic solution is still a relatively new procedure in America but is very popular in Europe. The treatment has been marketed more for reduction of fat and involves administrating multiple injections of FDA approved drugs and vitamins. Though not an ideal treatment for cellulite, there are some good reviews on the process to reduce mild degrees of cellulite.
  • Acoustic Wave Therapy: Acoustic wave therapy or AWT is becoming a more popular nonsurgical treatment for cellulite. Similar to laser or microcurrent stimulation, this proceduresends acoustic waves focused on affected body parts to firm up the skin. There have been fairly good results with this method, usually within 3 to 4 weeks but it may not work for everybody.
  • Heat Therapy: One way heat therapy is done is with treatment called Velashape. Velashape uses a combination of infrared heat, vacuum suction and radio frequency to reduce the appearance of cellulite from the inside out. It is said that Velashape is deeply relaxing and you will see a difference in your cellulite but the results may not be as great as you would expect.
  • Cellulite Creams: One of the most common techniques people use when they have a cellulite issue are creams or lotions. Most store-bought lotions are severely lacking in effectiveness but certain brands like Finulite have products with good reviews. Keep in mind that most of the effective creams will cost a bit and require weeks or even months of use before you really see a substantial difference in your cellulite.
  • Massage: Consistent massage can be a great way to reduce the appearance of cellulite over time. Massaging helps boost blood circulation and stimulate flow to sluggish, stagnant areas, and when use in combination with cellulite creams, will help to loosen and break up the fatty deposits that is causing the “dimples” in the skin. Alternatively, for those who likes to be pampered, can also visit spas or licensed masseuses who offer special anti-cellulite massages.
  • Dry Skin Brushing: Skin brushing is a wonderful inexpensive way to reduce cellulite as well as other skin blemishes like stretch marks. The dense, firm bristles in these special brushes disrupt the top layer of the skin, almost like a very light scratch, which sends the skin into repair mode. Many people swear by dry skin brushing to improve cellulite and the overall appearance of the skin.
  • Exercise & Diet: One of the best ways to get rid of cellulite would be to change your lifestyle. Since, cellulite IS fatty tissue under the thighs and buttocks, so reducing overall body fat through healthy diet and exercise can reduce the look of cellulite dramatically. Start by eating a healthy diet by cutting back on sodium and fatty foods. Keep your sodium levels to no more than 1200mg a day and choose low-fat, healthy options such as lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and veggies. Begin an exercise regimen that you will stick to. Even just walking will really help but doing 30 minutes workouts that targets the abdomen, butt, thighs and legs can be super effective in eliminating cellulite fast.

  • In a nutshell, start eliminating cellulite today by changing your lifestyle for the better—eat healthy meals and keep your body moving through exercise.

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